Generic Configuration README ============================ .. image:: :target: Overview -------- This project aims to give a quick technical perspective of the configuration files I need to modify to get a system which fits my needs in terms of security and usability. Disclaimer ---------- *This project is NOT intended to be a tutorial or a reference for anyone else*. There is absolutely **NO WARRANTY** for the content of this project to give you a safe and usable configuration. Please consider this files as a cheat-sheet or as some kind of last resort documentation to be looking for when you really do not know how to configure a piece of software. History ------- Whenever I install a new Linux machine there are config files that need to be edited. For example, on a server it's a good idea to disable remote ``root`` login after an administrator account has been created. Another example happens when a desktop computer needs a basic firewall (only to prevent for this computer from being open to the four winds): which rules should I configure? At first I've written some text files and memos to keep track of these things. However, system administration of a few personal hosts (servers and desktop workstations) becomes really hard when you have not got a way to keep configuration "in sync with your mind". Another issue occurred several years ago. One of my friends who was new to IPv6 wanted to know what rules I was using in the ``ip6tables`` firewall of my server. I gave him a kind of "anonymized file" with rules which were not specific to my server and he found out that there were some problems with IPv6 fragmentation. Therefore I needed to add some rules and to update the firewall of every host I had. So I've started my `Generic Configuration` project to create a place where I could write down the non-specific files I can show to my friends and to other people. In order to promote getting feedback from my notes, I made this project public, with a Git tree hosted by GitHub. Nowadays the HTML pages are hosted by GitHub Pages, and a `Circle-Ci job `_ has been configured to rebuild the pages every time branch ``master`` is updated. When you are reading the files I've written, please keep in mind that no host in the world would run with only the things I describe, as they most likely require some slight customization from their sysadmins. Finally, I use a version control system (Git) to ease the way people can contribute to this project. So if you find a bug and fill an issue or a pull request to help me improve this project, what would be really nice! The project is located on Structure --------- This project is organized in folders by field: - ``_: common files in ``/etc`` folder which are in every host - ``_: desktop-specific configuration of some ``/etc`` files - ``_: config files of services which can be found on a server - ``_: some thoughts and tips&tricks about system administration - ``_: content related to using Microsoft Windows systems - ``_: content of ``/var/www`` on a web server without specific purpose License ------- This project is licensed under `Creative Commons Attribution Share Alike 4.0 International `_ (`CC-BY-SA-4.0 `_).