MySQL tips and tricks ===================== Here are some useful reference for MySQL command line. This file does not contain anything related to server configuration The official documentation is available at: Basic commands -------------- The basic MySQL commands are: * ``SHOW DATABASES`` to list available databases, * ``USE database`` to tell the MySQL client to use a specific database, * ``SHOW TABLES`` to list tables in the current database, * ``DESCRIBE table`` to get a list of fields of a given table, and * ``SELECT * FROM table LIMIT 10`` to get 10 rows from the given table. Once a database is selected, standard SQL queries are possible. Account management ------------------ To create a new MySQL user and give her a special database, which is useful for example when creating a new website, three commands are needed: .. code-block:: mysql CREATE USER 'newsite'@'localhost' IDENTIFIED BY 'a-random-password'; CREATE DATABASE newsite DEFAULT CHARACTER SET 'utf8'; GRANT SELECT, INSERT, DELETE, UPDATE, CREATE, DROP, INDEX, ALTER, CREATE TEMPORARY TABLES ON newsite.* TO 'newsite'@'localhost'; FLUSH PRIVILEGES; The following command changes the password associated to the user: .. code-block:: mysql SET PASSWORD FOR 'newsite'@'localhost' = PASSWORD('an other random password!'); To list all users, you need SELECT access to ``mysql`` database: .. code-block:: mysql SELECT User, Host FROM mysql.user; The permissions of a specific user can be seen with ``SHOW GRANTS``. Here is an example:: mysql> SHOW GRANTS FOR root@localhost; +---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Grants for root@localhost | +---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON *.* TO 'root'@'localhost' IDENTIFIED BY PASSWORD '*Hashed password' WITH GRANT OPTION | | GRANT PROXY ON ''@'' TO 'root'@'localhost' WITH GRANT OPTION | +---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ Shell connection ---------------- To connect to a database when being in a shell, use the ``mysql`` command: .. code-block:: sh mysql -H server -u user -p database This command asks for the password of user and then connects and use the specified database. To give the password directly on the command line, do not put a space between ``-p`` and the password: .. code-block:: sh mysql -u user "-p$PASSWORD" database It is also possible to put login information in a hidden file in your home folder, in ``~/.my.cnf``. Such file looks like this:: [mysql] user=mysqluser password=password-for-mysqluser database=mydb To dump a database, the command is ``mysqldump``. Here are some examples: .. code-block:: sh mysqldump --lock-tables database mytable mysqldump --single-transaction --add-drop-table database_with_innoDB List of permissions ------------------- This table lists the available permissions, used by ``GRANT``: +------------+-----------------------------+------------------------+ | Data | Structure | Administration | +============+=============================+========================+ | ``SELECT`` | ``CREATE`` | ``GRANT`` | +------------+-----------------------------+------------------------+ | ``INSERT`` | ``ALTER`` | ``SUPER`` | +------------+-----------------------------+------------------------+ | ``UPDATE`` | ``INDEX`` | ``PROCESS`` | +------------+-----------------------------+------------------------+ | ``DELETE`` | ``DROP`` | ``RELOAD`` | +------------+-----------------------------+------------------------+ | ``FILE`` | ``CREATE TEMPORARY TABLES`` | ``SHUTDOWN`` | +------------+-----------------------------+------------------------+ | | ``SHOW VIEW`` | ``SHOW DATABASES`` | | +-----------------------------+------------------------+ | | ``CREATE ROUTINE`` | ``LOCK TABLES`` | | +-----------------------------+------------------------+ | | ``ALTER ROUTINE`` | ``REFERENCES`` | | +-----------------------------+------------------------+ | | ``EXECUTE`` | ``REPLICATION CLIENT`` | | +-----------------------------+------------------------+ | | ``CREATE VIEW`` | ``REPLICATION SLAVE`` | | +-----------------------------+------------------------+ | | ``EVENT`` | ``CREATE USER`` | | +-----------------------------+------------------------+ | | ``TRIGGER`` | | +------------+-----------------------------+------------------------+ MySQL query examples -------------------- These queries create an empty account table with some fields: .. code-block:: mysql DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `account`; CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `account` ( `uid` int(11) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, `hruid` varchar(255) CHARACTER SET ascii NOT NULL, `name` tinytext CHARACTER SET utf8 COLLATE utf8_unicode_ci NOT NULL, `email` varchar(255) CHARACTER SET utf8 COLLATE utf8_unicode_ci NOT NULL, `admin` tinyint(1) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0', `birthday` datetime NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (`uid`), UNIQUE KEY `hruid` (`hruid`) ) ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8; When the user is allowed to interact with the filesystem: .. code-block:: mysql -- Read a file from the filesystem SELECT LOAD_FILE('/etc/hosts'); -- Write a file that does not exist SELECT 'Hello, world!' INTO OUTFILE '/tmp/my_hello.txt'; SQL injection queries --------------------- When a SQL injection vulnerability hits an application and makes it possible to run arbitrary ``SELECT`` queries, here are some queries that can be used in order to gather information about the database. * Which version is the server running? .. code-block:: mysql SELECT version(); SELECT @@version; * What are the available tables? .. code-block:: mysql SELECT CONCAT(IF(TABLE_CATALOG,TABLE_CATALOG,''),':', TABLE_SCHEMA,'.',TABLE_NAME) FROM information_schema.TABLES; * What are the columns in the tables? .. code-block:: mysql SELECT CONCAT(IF(TABLE_CATALOG,TABLE_CATALOG,''),':', TABLE_SCHEMA,'.',TABLE_NAME,'.', COLUMN_NAME,'(',DATA_TYPE,', ',COLUMN_TYPE,')') FROM information_schema.COLUMNS; * What are the privileges visible from the current user? .. code-block:: mysql SELECT CONCAT(GRANTEE,'=',IF(TABLE_CATALOG,TABLE_CATALOG,''),',', PRIVILEGE_TYPE,IF(IS_GRANTABLE,'_grantable','')) FROM information_schema.USER_PRIVILEGES; SELECT CONCAT(GRANTEE,'=',IF(TABLE_CATALOG,TABLE_CATALOG,''),':', TABLE_SCHEMA,',', PRIVILEGE_TYPE,IF(IS_GRANTABLE,'_grantable','')) FROM information_schema.SCHEMA_PRIVILEGES; SELECT CONCAT(GRANTEE,'=',IF(TABLE_CATALOG,TABLE_CATALOG,''),':', TABLE_SCHEMA,'.',TABLE_NAME,',', PRIVILEGE_TYPE,IF(IS_GRANTABLE,'_grantable','')) FROM information_schema.TABLE_PRIVILEGES; SELECT CONCAT(GRANTEE,'=',IF(TABLE_CATALOG,TABLE_CATALOG,''),':', TABLE_SCHEMA,'.',TABLE_NAME,'.',COLUMN_NAME,',', PRIVILEGE_TYPE,IF(IS_GRANTABLE,'_grantable','')) FROM information_schema.COLUMN_PRIVILEGES; * Who gave the grants and when? .. code-block:: mysql SELECT CONCAT(User,'@',Host,':',Db,'.',Table_name,':',Grantor,' ', Timestamp,' ',Table_priv,' ',Column_priv) FROM mysql.tables_priv; * What are the password hashes? .. code-block:: mysql SELECT CONCAT(User,'@',Host,':',Password, ' (grant=',Grant_priv,',super=',Super_priv,')') FROM mysql.user;