Notes about Arch Linux packages =============================== Here are some notes about Arch Linux packages. Building packages ----------------- Arch Linux packages can be found in two main places: official repositories and Arch User Repository (AUR). Official repositories are managed throw the Arch Build System (ABS). Users interact with them thanks to ``pacman``. AUR is managed by users and only contain sources, not binary packages. To build a package, you need to install ``base-devel`` and use ``makepkg``. The main component of a package is the ``PKGBUILD`` description file, which describes where to download sources and how to compile binary files. Once you have a ``PKGBUILD`` (and additional files such as patches) in a directory, to build and install the package you just need to issue:: makepkg -si ``-s`` option means *install missing dependencies using pacman*. ``-i`` option means *install the package after it is built*. You should customize your ``/etc/makepkg.conf`` file before launching the build, for example to set up the packager name: .. code-block:: sh PACKAGER="Myself " It is also possible to enable parallel build and to use a temporary build directory .. code-block:: sh cat >> /etc/makepkg.conf << EOF MAKEFLAGS="-j4" # According to $(nproc) BUILDDIR=/tmp/makepkg EOF cat >> /etc/fstab << EOF makepkg /tmp/makepkg tmpfs defaults,auto,nodev,nosuid,exec,gid=100,uid=1000,mode=0700 0 0 EOF For more information read the wiki! Here are some links: - - - - - - - Yaourt, pacaur and trizen ------------------------- ``yaourt`` (Yet AnOther User Repository Tool), ``pacaur`` and ``trizen`` ease the installation of packages from the AUR. Their interfaces are similar to ``pacman`` but they can download, build and install user packages too, wrapping both ``makepkg`` and ``pacman``. ``yaourt`` includes ``-G`` option (``--getpkgbuild``) to get a ``PKGBUILD`` file for a specified package. ``pacaur`` main advantage lies in keeping the downloaded PKGBUILD and their git history in a directory, ``$HOME/.cache/pacaur/``, which allows tracking changes when upgrading AUR packages. ``trizen`` is a more recent one and can replace ``pacaur``. Debug build ----------- To build packages with debug symbols, you need to change ``OPTIONS`` variable in ``/etc/makepkg.conf``. Here is the default configuration:: OPTIONS=(strip docs !libtool !staticlibs emptydirs zipman purge !upx !debug) You just need to add and remove some bangs following your needs:: OPTIONS=(!strip docs !libtool !staticlibs emptydirs zipman purge !upx debug)